WWW - whoops, why, what?
What is www and why is it on the front of everyone’s website?
" d="M11.6403 23.6661L16.2256 26.2074C16.4558 26.3363 16.6077 26.4514 16.6814 26.5527C16.7596 26.6539 16.7988 26.7828 16.7988 26.9394C16.7988 27.1373 16.7274 27.31 16.5847 27.4573C16.442 27.6 16.2762 27.6714 16.0875 27.6714C15.9632 27.6714 15.7767 27.6023 15.5281 27.4642L8.69857 23.6661L15.5281 19.8681C15.7767 19.7346 15.9609 19.6678 16.0806 19.6678C16.2739 19.6678 16.442 19.7392 16.5847 19.8819C16.7274 20.0246 16.7988 20.195 16.7988 20.3929C16.7988 20.5495 16.7596 20.6784 16.6814 20.7796C16.6077 20.8809 16.4558 20.996 16.2256 21.1249L11.6403 23.6661ZM25.4758 18.929L20.9388 28.7072C20.8238 28.9512 20.7202 29.11 20.6281 29.1837C20.5084 29.2803 20.3634 29.3287 20.193 29.3287C19.9997 29.3287 19.8317 29.2596 19.6889 29.1215C19.5508 28.9834 19.4818 28.8269 19.4818 28.6519C19.4818 28.5276 19.537 28.3458 19.6475 28.1064L24.1983 18.3351C24.3133 18.0911 24.4146 17.9323 24.5021 17.8586C24.6264 17.7619 24.7714 17.7136 24.9371 17.7136C25.1305 17.7136 25.2962 17.7826 25.4343 17.9207C25.5725 18.0543 25.6415 18.2085 25.6415 18.3834C25.6415 18.5077 25.5863 18.6896 25.4758 18.929ZM33.4899 23.6661L28.9046 21.1249C28.6744 20.996 28.5202 20.8809 28.4419 20.7796C28.3683 20.6784 28.3314 20.5495 28.3314 20.3929C28.3314 20.195 28.4028 20.0246 28.5455 19.8819C28.6882 19.7392 28.8563 19.6678 29.0496 19.6678C29.1693 19.6678 29.3535 19.7346 29.6021 19.8681L36.4316 23.6661L29.6021 27.4642C29.3535 27.6023 29.1693 27.6714 29.0496 27.6714C28.8563 27.6714 28.6882 27.6 28.5455 27.4573C28.4028 27.3146 28.3314 27.1419 28.3314 26.9394C28.3314 26.7828 28.3683 26.6539 28.4419 26.5527C28.5202 26.4514 28.6744 26.3363 28.9046 26.2074L33.4899 23.6661Z" fill="white">
What is www and why is it on the front of everyone’s website?